About Even/Odd

This informs you of the total Winning Lotto Numbers that have been drawn either as an Even or and Odd value.

Taking the Winning Lotto Numbers for draw 1 :: 03–12–21–29–38–48 (S.A Lotto)
The Even numbers will be :: 12, 38, 48
The Odd numbers will be :: 03, 21, 29
Not forgetting that the Bonus Ball 11 is Odd

Thus the Even / Odd percentage for draw 1 is :: 3/3 (Without Bonus Ball) and 3/4 (With Bonus Ball)

You may be asking yourself the question :: Why even work with Even/Odd percentages? Well if know what the average Even/Odd percentage is, then you can Generate Lotto Numbers based on that Even/Odd percentage to increase your chances of Winning.

An Even / Odd indicator will most likely be included in Future E.A.L releases.

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