E.A.L Lotto Analysis
Lotto Analysis Occurrence List

E.A.L Lotto Analysis

This lists all Winning Lotto Numbers that has Lotto numbers in common (based on winning Divisions) with the entry currently selected on the Winning Lotto Numbers List. It is also possible to select multiple entries by using the CTRL or SHIFT keys. Clicking on a Column header will sort the list either in ascending or descending order for the specific Column header clicked.
Right clicking on this list will open up a menu for you to select additional functionality.
See "Menu Items" below for more information.
Menu Items

Menu Items
Select All
This will select all entries in the Lotto Occurrence list.
Short Cut Keys: CTRL + A

Select Even
This will select all even numbered entries/draws in the Lotto Occurrence list.
Short Cut Keys: CTRL + E

Select Odd
This will select all odd numbered entries/draws in the Lotto Occurrence list.
Short Cut Keys: CTRL + O

Invert Selection
This will invert selected entries in the Lotto Occurrence list.
Short Cut Keys: CTRL + I

Send To
This enables one to send the currently selected entries to Plugins/Addons capable of receiving such data.

Highlight Entries
This will Select/Highlight the corresponding entries in the Winning Lotto Numbers List.

Save to HTML File
This will save all selected entries to an HTML file. One is also able to change the HTML code in the "Lotto_Analysis_List.html" file to suite ones needs. This HTML template file is to be located in the HTML directory where the current E.A.L Lotto Database is located.
Please see HTML Tag structures below for more information.

Future Lookup
Instead of searching for previous occurrences, E.A.L is capable of scanning for future occurrences. Basically it is useful to see how many times past Winning Lotto Numbers are being drawn as future Winning Lotto Numbers.

HTML Tag Structures
This will state the Caption of the E.A.L Lotto Database currently loaded. Ex: S.A Lotto Plus, EuroMillions, etc...

This will state the Lotto draw numbers of the entries in the Lotto Occurrence list.

This will state the Lotto draw dates of the entries in the Lotto Occurrence list.

<#Lotto_Numbers_Caption Level=X>
This will state the Caption of the specific section of Lotto numbers. Ex: Numbers, Bonus, Stars etc...
Also take note of the "Level" option as this will define which section you are referencing.
Ex: With the EuroMillions: "Level=1" will reference "Numbers" and "Level=2" will reference "Stars".

<#Lotto_Numbers Level=X>
This will state the Lotto numbers for the entries in the Lotto Occurrence list.
Also take note of the "Level" option as this will define which section you are referencing.
Ex: With the EuroMillions: "Level=1" will reference "Numbers" and "Level=2" will reference "Stars".

HTML Tag Structures :: Occurrence List Info
This will state the Occurrence types based on winning Divisions.

This will either state "X Ago" or "Next X" depending on the lookup type Past or Future.

This will state how many draws ago the Lotto draw took placed. This is based on the lookup type Past or Future

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