E.A.L Lotto Analysis
Primary Lotto Analysis

E.A.L Lotto Analysis

Located on the Top Left, this section analyzes all Winning Lotto Numbers since the first Lotto draw.
Right clicking on these pages will open up a menu for you to select additional functionality.
See "Menu Items" below for more information.
Even / Odd Page

This informs you of the total Winning Lotto Numbers that have been drawn either as an Even or and Odd value.
More information about Even / Odd HERE

Total Numbers
This calculated field informs you of the total Lotto Balls being taken into consideration.

Even / Odd
This informs you of the Even and Odd percentage values.
Sums Page

Basically this means that the Winning Lotto Numbers have been added up to give you a sum value.
More information about Sums HERE

Total Sum
This calculated field informs you of all sum values added together.

Highest Sum
This field informs you of the Winning Lotto Numbers with the highest sum value. Clicking on the field displaying the Lotto draw will highlight the entry in the Winning Lotto Numbers List for further analysis.

Lowest Sum
This field informs you of the Winning Lotto Numbers with the lowest sum value. Clicking on the field displaying the Lotto draw will highlight the entry in the Winning Lotto Numbers List for further analysis.

Sum Average
This calculated field informs of the average sum value for all Winning Lotto Numbers.
Matrix Offset Page

More information about Matrix Offsets HERE

Highest Offset
This field informs you of the Winning Lotto Numbers with the Highest Matrix Offset. Clicking on the field displaying the Lotto draw will highlight the entry in the Winning Lotto Numbers List for further analysis.

Lowest Offset
This field informs you of the Winning Lotto Numbers with the Lowest Matrix Offset. Clicking on the field displaying the Lotto draw will highlight the entry in the Winning Lotto Numbers List for further analysis.

Offset Average
This calculated field informs you of the average Matrix Offset value.

Offset Diff. Ave.
This calculated field takes all Matrix Offset values and adds up the difference between them.
Menu Items

Menu Items
Save to HTML File
This will save all Primary analysis information to an HTML file. One is also able to change the HTML code in the "Lotto_Analysis_Stats.html" file to suite ones needs. This HTML template file is to be located in the HTML directory where the current E.A.L Lotto database is located.
Please see HTML Tag structures below for more information.

HTML Tag Structures
This will state the Caption of the E.A.L Database currently loaded. Ex: S.A Lotto Plus, EuroMillions, etc...

HTML Tag Structures :: Even/Odd
<#Total_Numbers Level=X>
This will state the total Lotto Balls being taken into consideration.

<#Even_Odd_Total Level=X>
This will state the Even and Odd values.

<#Even_Odd Level=X>
This will state the Even and Odd percentage values.

Also take note of the "Level" options as this will define which section you are referencing.
Ex: With the EuroMillions: "Level=1" will reference "Numbers" and "Level=2" will reference "Stars".
Ex: With the S.A Lotto: "Level=1" will reference "Numbers without Bonus" and "Level=2" will reference "Numbers with Bonus".

HTML Tag Structures :: Sums
<#Total_Sum Level=X>
This will state all sum values added together.

<#Highest_Sum Level=X>
This will state the Winning Lotto Numbers with the highest sum value.

<#Highest_Sum_Draw Level=X>
This will state the Draw with the Highest sum value.

<#Lowest_Sum Level=X>
This will state the Winning Lotto Numbers with the lowest sum value.

<#Lowest_Sum_Draw Level=X>
This will state the Draw with the Lowest sum value.

<#Sum_Average Level=X>
This will state the average sum value for all Winning Lotto Numbers.

Also take note of the "Level" options as this will define which section you are referencing.
Ex: With the EuroMillions: "Level=1" will reference "Numbers" and "Level=2" will reference "Stars".
Ex: With the S.A Lotto: "Level=1" will reference "Numbers without Bonus" and "Level=2" will reference "Numbers with Bonus".

HTML Tag Structures :: Matrix Offsets
This will state the Highest Matrix Offset.

This will state the Draw with the Highest Matrix Offset.

This will state the Lowest Matrix Offset.

This will state the Draw with the Lowest Matrix Offset.

This will state the average Matrix Offset value.

This field takes all Matrix Offset values and adds up the difference between them.

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